Studio Legale Cappelli RCCD, with a team led by name partner Roberto Cappelli and composed of associates Lucia Occhiuto, Alberto Elmi and junior associate Valerio Ribechi, as well as, for financing matters, partner Giuliana Durand and junior associate Lorenzo Soci, has assisted  private equity fund Mandarin Capital Partners in the acquisition of the entire capital of Procosme Srl, an historic Lombard company founded by the Pisana family which represents a centre of excellence for cosmetic research, formulation and production.

The acquisition was completed through the newly established holding company Ymenso S.p.A. 12 months after the investment in Nuova Fapam S.p.A. (Parnazzini family), with the aim of continuing the group’s growth and internationalization strategy in the haircare sector.

The Mandarin Capital fund was also assisted by Gitti and Partners for tax matters, with the partner Diego De Francesco and the senior associate Andrea Tognon, and by PwC Debt Advisory for relations with banks, with a team composed of Alessandro Azzolini, Andrea di Cello and Davide Scroccaro.

The Pisana family was assisted in the transaction by Studio M&A Marcianesi & Associati in the context of  tax and financial due diligence, with a team composed of Roberto Marcianesi and Paolo Sacco, as well as, for the legal aspects, by Ciampani and Marcianesi  with the lawyers Ermanno Ciampani and Erika Marcianesi.

The Parnazzini family was assisted in the transaction by Pavia and Ansaldo, with partner Carlo Emanuele Rossi and associate Viola Bardi.

The notarial aspects of the operation were followed  by notary Giovannella Condò of Milan Notaries.