Cappelli Riolo Calderaro Crisostomo Del Din & Partners Announces the Launch of the Employment Law Department with Elena Ryolo and Silvia Tozzoli joining the Firm
Cappelli Riolo Calderaro Crisostomo Del Din & Partners is pleased [...]
Cappelli Riolo Calderaro Crisostomo Del Din & Partners is pleased [...]
Cappelli RCCD celebrates its first 15 years of excellence and [...]
The entry of Alessia Marconi is part of the constant [...]
Cappelli RCCD alongside the Magnaghi Group in the process of [...]
Cappelli RCCD expands its practice with the launch of the [...]
By Paolo Calderaro and Alberto Del Din There has been [...]
Cappelli RCCD law firm continues to expand its partnership with [...]
Cappelli RCCD expands with the entrance of the new partner, [...]
The Marcegaglia Group and Outokumpu, a Finnish multinational world leader [...]
Cappelli RCCD assisted CDP Venture Capital Sgr in the launch [...]