Cappelli RCCD assisted CDP Venture Capital Sgr in the launch of Next Age, with a team composed of Partners Guido Masini and Nicola Caielli and Senior Associate Chiara Provvedi.
Next Age is the first Europe-wide programme for start-ups that develop solutions for the Silver Economy, a transversal sector that encompasses innovative solutions for the emerging needs of the over-50s, ranging from wellness to health, new housing and care models to recreational activities to mobility, tourism, and specific financial and insurance services.
The programme is part of the CDP National Accelerator Network, a network operating throughout Italy with the aim of helping the growth of start-ups specialising in the markets with greatest growth potential. It was created on the initiative of CDP Venture Capital Sgr together with AC75 Start-up Accelerator, the start-up accelerator promoted by the Marche Foundation together with Cariverona Foundation and Marche Polytechnic University, and the international Venture Capital firm SOSV, which manages early-stage start-up development programmes.
The main partner is Intesa Sanpaolo and the National Institute for the Care of the Elderly (I.N.R.C.A.) of the Marche Polytechnic University and the UK National Innovation Center for Aging act as the initiative’s scientific partners.
With an initial funding of €5.46 million, underwritten by CDP Venture Capital Sgr’s Accelerator Fund and AC75 Start-up Accelerator, Next Age aims at boosting the growth of start-ups operating in the Silver Economy. In addition to an initial investment for start-ups selected by the programme, the funding includes capital for subsequent post-acceleration follow-on investments for start-ups with the greatest growth potential.
Next Age is a three-year programme that selects approximately 10 start-ups in the seed and pre-seed stages each year, which will have access to a structured four-month programme with the support of the accelerator’s partners, in order to guide them towards solidifying their business models.
CDP Venture Capital Sgr was supported by an in-house legal team led by Alessandro di Gioia and comprising Elisa Toriello, Debora Perciballi, Gabriele Petrini, Angela Malizia, Marco Filanti and Matteo Fittante.